General Authors (Domestic) Rp 3.500K
Students (Domestic) Rp 2.500K
Additional Paper* Rp 2.500K
The publication fee is to accomodate the publication in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. If your articles are accepted to other Journals: {(a) Evergreen, (b) Jurnal Molekul}, there will be an additional fee for the publication. The amount of the additional fee will be informed later.
Participant Rp 750K
- Meeting Packages - Conferences Kit - Certificate - Publication
General Authors (Domestic) Rp 3.000K
Students (Domestic) Rp 2.000K
Additional Paper* Rp 2.000K
The publication fee is to accomodate the publication in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. If your articles are accepted to other Journals: {(a) Evergreen, (b) Jurnal Molekul}, there will be an additional fee for the publication. The amount of the additional fee will be informed later.
Participant Rp 100K
- Certificate - Publication
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Gili Terawangan (Exclude Activities e.g. Snorkling, biking, diving)
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